Old Faithful doing its thing |
The early bird gets the worm and can snag a nice campsite. We got a spot reserved around 8 a.m. and explored Yellowstone more today. Most of it is by car, so it isn’t too strenuous to see a lot of stuff. Old Faithful delivered right on schedule (even though there is about a +/- 10 minute margin of error, I thought it was more regular than that). A lot of the stuff we saw was right on the giant sleeping caldera that is Yellowstone. Last time it blew, debris was shot over 240 cubic miles. Keep sleeping, Yellowstone.
Firehole Lake |
Bull elk |
We saw a good deal of animals during our stay here, getting uncomfortably close to some!
Come here, marmot! |
Third time was almost the charm. |
Enormous |
I see you packed clothes for all 4 seasons...well played.