We hiked to the top of this bad boy |
Each hike has its own feel to it. The Rockies with its feet of packed snow was the most unique. Mesa Verde had the most amazing view that seemed to go on forever. Zion was the most terrifying and intense. The Grand Canyon was the most grand as the name suggests. Here at Yosemite we met our match with the most vigorous hike up to the top of Yosemite Falls, the tallest waterfall in North America. We did a 7 mile round-trip hike (3.5 each way) which was estimated to take 6-8 hours. Being the young bucks we are, we conquered the trail in a mere total of 4 hours. The trail seemed to be of M.C. Escher design and left our legs pudding-esque. That pretty much took the whole day, since the drive just to get into Yosemite Valley is 35 miles and then you have to take a shuttle to the trailheads. Upon leaving, we were stuck in the parking lot for a good 30 minutes with massive traffic trying to exit the park. We hurried home as quickly as we could to catch the last bit of sunlight by which to make dinner. It was an exhausting day but we had some incredible views of the different waterfalls in the park, Half Dome, and the valley. We couldn’t get any good photos of El Capitan, (plus we weren’t exactly sure which big ‘ol rock WAS El Capitan), but we saw all the hot attractions of the park.
Yosemite Falls and Half Dome in the background |
Half Dome |
A 'lil skink |
Top of the falls |
I love the "survivor" pic. Also, I was wondering when you'd sneak the word "pudding" in one of these blogs.