Thursday, June 2, 2011

6-02 Snowball fight in June?!

Today was unbelievable. Fish Creek Falls is a park just a few miles from Steamboat Springs. We put on our hiking faces and hit the mountains. It wasn’t far until we found the entire trail covered in snow, many feet at some points. 

The trail?
We kept climbing, trying to find the second set of falls, but the trail (or lack thereof) went on and on. Instead, we decided to slide down the mountain over the snow, skidding 75-100 yards down the slope on the packed snow. That much snow on the trail was a blessing in disguise, as it gave us the opportunity to explore areas that otherwise would be covered in brush. We wandered a bit, finding the river and making our own way back down the mountain. A few stumbles later and we found our way back to the bottom, not before making a snow angel, finding bear tracks, clusters of aspens, and picturesque views. It was truly a unique experience. 

After the long hike we ate at Sunpie Bistro, located right on a local stream. With all the snowfall the creeks and rivers are all very high, they had sandbags set up outside in the outdoor eating area. A few kayakers flew by on the quick-flowing water. It was delicious and we had perfect weather. A huge thank you to Miss Meghan for taking us in, showing us around and giving us a truly unforgettable experience! 

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